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Year 4

Welcome to Year 4!

Within Year 4 at Priory Rise School, we love to make our learning fun through our immersive teaching. We are very proud of the exciting and varied curriculum we have to offer and wherever possible, lessons are hands on and practical.  We continuously promote a developing growth mindset and our children are always enthused by challenge! Our students experience the best in quality first teaching from all members of staff.  Throughout the course of the year, we encourage the children to become the best versions of themselves through actively promoting and modelling our school ethos and values; this also builds the children’s independence and helps prepare them for Upper Key Stage 2. For each of our topics, we include a memorable experience day to make learning inspiring and engaging; for example, in Autumn 2, we will have an exciting Victorian day!

To see what your child will be learning about this year click here:




Maths, along with English, is taught daily. Within Maths in Year 4, we look closely at: place value; the columnar method for all addition; subtraction and multiplication; the bus stop method for division; different units of measures; coordinates; fractions; decimals and shapes and their properties. Year 4 spend an allocated amount of time to ensure the children have mastered each topic and display a secure and in-depth understanding of the different areas. Fluency in Maths is important and therefore children have additional ’10 minute maths’ sessions throughout the week. This keeps their learning buoyant and helps them gain a clearer concept of number, embedding the knowledge and skills into children's long-term memory.

Below we have included the methods we use within Year 4 Maths and the Maths assessment bands.




Guided reading lessons are taught daily with a specific emphasis on VIPERS:

The use of VIPERS helps the children with their understanding and helps support their answers to more challenging questions. We read a range of quality texts from various genres, text types and authors.  We also promote high quality discussion about books using 'Book Talk' stem sentences when discussing texts. 


We believe outstanding writing stems from regular reading of fantastic texts. We teach writing through shared and guided work to model quality vocabulary choices and writing techniques. To inspire the children’s writing, we create exciting opportunities that immerse them into their work; each writing unit begins with an experience day to immerse the children into the unit and motivate and inspire them to produce the best writing. We use consistent lesson formats that allow our children to have a clear understanding of what is expected of them and their writing in Year Four.  Recently, we have introduced 'lenses' into our lessons, which allow the children to have a visual hook and support that encourages them to use a range of writing techniques independently.  Alongside our English lessons, we teach weekly handwriting and spelling, grammar and punctuation sessions.  




Please click on the link below to view the enrichment opportunities on offer for the children this year.


How you can support your child at home:

  • Regular reading at home - (both to them and with them) - this is crucial to their progress. 
  • Asking purposeful comprehension questions using our VIPERS resource above.
  • Encouraging your child to complete their homework - this compliments our school curriculum and supports their understanding.

For more ideas please click on the button below:

Thank you so much for your support at home. 



During the course of Year 4 the children have many exciting opportunities that are not only educational but also inspire and motivate their learning further. Wherever possible, we encourage and invite visitors to come and give talks to the children about their own lives. This gives the children an insight into different experiences and has been a great success. In Geography, for example, children have been inspired to write about deforestation.  

Within the Summer term in Year 4, we have an exciting opportunity for the children to attend a one day and one night residential stay at Caldecotte. The children have loved the experience in previous years; they were able to partake in a range of water sport and on-land activities that included paddle boarding, zorbing and caving. It has proved to be a fantastic way to prepare the children ready for the Year 5 residential stay the following year.








Classes have PE on the following days: 

Wilson - Monday & Thursday

Larwood - Wednesday & Friday

Fletcher - Wednesday & Friday

Please make sure that children come to school wearing their PE kit these days.