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Early Years

Foundation Stage

The Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) at Priory Rise provides children with the very best possible start to their education, establishing solid foundations on which to build their future learning journey, developing each child to become the very best version of themself. The EYFS statutory framework was significantly updated in September 2021, however Priory Rise chose to become Early Adopters of this new curriculum in 2020 so we are already into our third year of embedding this. You can find out about this new framework on the following link:

At Priory Rise School our Foundation Stage consists of Nursery and Reception classes. See the separate Nursery Tab for more information about this provision.

Reception Year

Reception builds on what the children have already experienced; at home, in our Priory Rise Nursery or in other pre-school settings. During this year in school, children will continue to have rich opportunities to explore and learn through play, as well as direct teaching. The children will experience direct teaching of phonics, numbers and patterns, topic, P.E., music and art. We follow the validated scheme ‘Little Wandle Letters and Sounds Revised’ for phonics.

Your child will experience a warm and welcoming learning environment which provides well-resourced inside and outside areas developing their curiosity, problem-solving and investigation skills.

Click the link below to find out more about our EYFS aspiration and design at Priory Rise.

What is the EYFS?

Learning will be developed through the characteristics of effective learning and the 7 areas of the early years foundation stage (EYFS).

To find out more about what the EYFS is about, and the various stages of child development click below for the document "What to expect, when? Guidance to your child’s learning and development in the early years foundation stage".

"What to expect, when?"


Throughout the school year we will focus on a range of topics which reflect the children’s interest, the cultural calendar, current affairs and the world around us using high quality books, poems, rhymes and video. The topics can be flexible themes, depending on the choices of the children. Click the link below to see our intended curriculum. Separate overviews are available for Number & Patterns, P.E., P.S.H.E, Music and Art.









Induction Booklet

We offer a range of induction activities for families with children starting school, as we understand what a big transition this can be, so it is important to get it right ensuring children are happy and confident to start school. In the summer term prior to children starting, parents are welcomed to an information evening, where staff will invite parents into the setting. Children can explore the setting with their parents at Stay and Play sessions, and then we have a short induction process in September which includes a home visit. Please click the links below to see; Induction Booklet, New Parents meeting slides and Phonics workshop slides. This will provide you with lots of information and details you may need to know prior to your child starting.





The best way to support your child is to talk to them, narrate activities that you are completing, even if this is simply the weekly shop, join in with your child’s play and spend time following their interests and fascinations. Children of Reception age should have regular support with reading, as often as possible, daily is ideal, for 5-10 minutes building to 15-20 minutes by the end of the year. Occasionally, during the year we may post a homework task on Tapestry, this might be a suggested activity to carry out, discussion or for parents to make observations about their child.



We use the Little Wandle scheme to teach phonics. There is a parents section on their website with many handy videos and ideas to use at home. Click the link to access the website.





Tips For Toileting

Eric's Guide to Toilet Training

Days to Remember

PE - Thursday and Friday, please come to school in PE kit on these days.

Library - Beetles and Honeybees on Monday, and Fireflies on Tuesday.


The government asks that your child take the Reception Baseline Assessment (RBA) within the first 6 weeks of your child starting school. Click the link to read the Information for Parents. You do not need to prepare your child in anyway for this assessment and it is conducted 1:1 with their class teacher using interactive resources. The RBA software will generate a brief report which we will share with you in your child’s learning journey.